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Before Hiring A Roofing Contractor Here Are Some Questions You Should Ask

The right roofing contractor can make all the difference when it comes to your home’s condition. After all, what goes up must come down! So how do you know who is qualified? Well luckily for consumers some telltale signs should caution anyone looking into hiring this professional service provider.

Here are some questions you should ask before signing a contract for roof repair or replacement. These may seem like necessities, but they can help protect your home from potential problems down the line!

Do You Have Insurance?

Homeowners should make sure roofers have workers’ compensation and liability insurance, as well. Workers’ comp covers the homeowner in case of an accident with their contractor; meanwhile, you’re protected from damage caused by unexpected circumstances during repair or replacement work on your home’s roofs!

Homeowners often find themselves responsible for medical bills and other costs associated with an injury without workers’ compensation insurance. In addition, their homeowners’ policy may not cover these types of accidents- which means you could be on the hook!

Are You Licensed For Do This Type Of Work?

It is important to ensure that the roofing contractor you plan on hiring has a valid license. Make sure not only does he/she have current credentials, but also check if there are any outstanding violations within their past work history or present company roster before signing anything!

It’s important to understand that a business license does not mean the individual has passed any tests or earned the qualifications necessary for Roofing Contractor’s License.

Will You Be Using a Subcontractor?

When hiring a roofing company, ask them whether they outsource parts of the job to other teams under their purview. If so make sure these subcontractors have insurance and licenses that allow them to do complete work on your home’s roofs! You should also research any red flags by checking with Better Business Bureau as well as social media sites before making an appointment or signing anything. A reputable business will clearly explain what tasks are being outsourced at what price point while providing clarity about why certain decisions were made.

How Long Have You Been In Business?

When you are looking for a roofing company, they must have experience and good reviews from customers. Company history can help paint this picture as well! If your potential contractor has been around the block a few times or offers references of satisfied clients who used their services in past years then there’s no doubt about how skilled these people seem to be at providing quality work without overcharging prices as many other companies do nowadays.

How Do You Ensure The Project Is On Time?

The roofing contractor should plan for any potential obstacles that could extend their project. Do they have enough employees? What will happen in the event of inclement weather, concerning materials and tools needed on-site by workers who are waiting out bad conditions at home or elsewhere while tasks slow down around them due to an extended delay spanning weeks/months instead of just days!